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Avoid Amputation

First Aid
Amputation – What is it? Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a…

Why Soup Is So Good for You?

General Blog
Why Soup Is So Good for You? By Our Workplace & Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Connie Here are just a few of the benefits for you to consider: 1.Healthy & nutritious…
Dalal Saad

Dalal Saad | Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight
DALAL SAAD DIETITIAN Dalal began her career as a clinical dietitian working in a busy hospital and eventually shifted into a community based role where she mainly worked with at…

Safety First

First Aid
Incident Report Last week, the unthinkable happened at a business we work closely with. We had a elderly man in his 70’s, whom was a very regular member, walking within…
Fitness Coaches Tullamarine

Cindy Duggan | Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight
CINDY DUGGAN ACCREDITED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST Cindy Duggan is an Exercise Physiologist specialising in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and the care and prevention of chronic disease through both land based and water based exercise…