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First Aid
What is Compression? Compression is a condition in which an injury to the brain or spinal cord causes nerve fibers to be squeezed together. This prevents the nerves from functioning…


First Aid
What is Concussion? A concussion is a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside…
Congestion in Children

Congestion in Children

First Aid
One of the most common paediatric health issues is congestion. Congestion in children can be caused by a number of factors, including upper respiratory infections and allergies. Respiratory tract infections…
Contaminated Waste Bag

Contaminated Waste Bag

First Aid
What is a Contaminated Waste Bag? A contaminated waste bag is a bag used for the disposal of biological waste. They are typically made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which protects…
Convulsions in Children

Convulsions in Children

First Aid
What is Convulsions in Children A convulsion (also called a seizure) is an involuntary, abrupt and rhythmic muscle contraction that lasts for a short time. A convulsion can occur in…


First Aid
Coughs are a natural reflex that clears your airways of mucus and irritants, including bacteria and viruses. They’re usually caused by colds or flu, which are viral infections of the…
Cuts and Bleeding

Cuts and Bleeding

First Aid
We all get cuts, scrapes, and bruises sometimes. These minor injuries can be more than just a nuisance. They may also cause you to worry about bleeding, infections, and scarring.…
cuts and bleeding in children

Cuts and Bleeding in Children

First Aid
Cuts and Bleeding can be frightening for both children and adults. But with a few simple first aid steps, you can minimise the risk of infection and minimise blood loss…
Cyanide poisoning

Cyanide Poisoning

First Aid
Cyanide is a chemical that can be a colourless gas or a crystal solid. When people think of cyanide, they often think of the crystal (which looks like white or…


First Aid
The common cold is the most frequent infectious disease in humans and is caused by more than 200 different viruses What is Decongestant? A decongestant is a medication that helps…