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First Aid
What is Anaesthetic? General anesthesia works by interrupting nerve signals in your brain and body. It prevents your brain from processing pain and from remembering what happened during your surgery For…
abdominal pain in children

Abdominal Pain in Children

First Aid
Abdominal pain (stomach ache) ranges from a mild to severe pain.   There are many organs in the stomach cavity and any disorder in these organs may cause stomach pain.…

Sunburn – How to treat it?

First Aid
Are You Looking To Get Out In The Sun This Year? The sun in Australia is harsh and can easily cause sunburns, even at a UV rating of 3. And…
water safety

Water Safety

First Aid
Water Safety -This week is going to be hot, so make sure to be safe around water. Here are 8 of our tips to keep safe around water this week.…
wound infection

Wound Infection

First Aid
Whether it’s happened while you were cutting veggies or possibly you were walking past a bush and cut your leg on a branch, we have all head a wound or…

First aid training during COVID-19

First Aid
Information about changes to first aid training during Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions. In light of COVID-19 related restrictions. The Australian Skills Quality Authority has released advice for training providers to consider…
first aid

First Aid For Minor Cuts & Wounds

First Aid
What First Aid needed for cuts and wounds?  Before that, lets find out first what are the different types of Wounds. A cut may be deep, smooth, or jagged. It…